Accurate monitoring of corrosion rates in any environment is critical when viewed in terms of the maintenance and repair costs associated with corrosion and material failure. Test coupons provide an inexpensive means of on-line monitoring that will allow you to effectively measure the corrosivity within your system. By observing the mils-per-year corrosion rate of an exposed coupon, valuable information can be provided regarding the material's life expectancy.
Actual Dimensions: ½ inch (12.7 mm) wide, 3 inch (76.2 mm) in length, and 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) thick
• To provide a basis for estimating service life of process equipment.
• To provide an insight into corrosion mechanics.
• To compare resistance of one alloy to another.
• As a quality control test for a given heat of alloy.
• Pre-weighing and post-weighing of coupons available upon request.
Part Numbers
Part Number Material Hole Size
100100 C101D Steel 3/16"
100200 Copper, CDA110 3/16"
100300 Admiralty Brass 3/16"
100400 Galvanized Steel 3/16"
100500 Copper Nickel, 90/10 3/16"
100600 Aluminum, 7075-T6 3/16"
100700 Type 304 Stainless Steel 3/16"
100800 Type 316 Stainless Steel 3/16"
100900 Mesh Bio Film 3/16"
101000 Deposition/Scale Coupon Steel C1010 3/16"
Made in the USA.
Coupons can be furnished with a variety of finishes depending on your particular application. Some of the typical finishes available are defined below.
Mill: Finish as produced from mill
Glass Bead: Blasted with fine glass beads to remove mill scale
120 Grit: Fine finish commonly used in corrosion tests, such as, pitting studies where smooth surface finish is desired. Finishes up to 600 grit (extremely fi ne) can be provided.