Agniputra Abhay is a crime-fighter and a hero who battles with various evils by utilizing high tech equipments as weapons. When his state of the art equipments and gadgets fail to achieve success in the mission, Abhay invokes his inner divine self to complete the task. The pair makes the ultimate combination in crime fighting and heroic deeds. Abhay makes use of various advanced technology and equipments in his fights. This is an exclusive collection of Agniputra Abhay Tshirts.
The T-Shirts are made of 100% pure premium cotton biowashed and softened. A unique fusion technique is used to create the design print which is ideal for work, leisure or workouts. Affordable, fast fashion - that is what Styched is and will always remain.
Sizes - Small - 36in, Medium - 38in, Large - 40in, XL - 42in